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godling Meaning in Tamil ( godling வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)



godling's Usage Examples:

Moreover, it is a human weakness to manipulate one's ancestry, and the common claim to be descended from the local godling is not to be confused with the Arunta type of reincarnation.

That the godling with the hormones of a teen might have more of an interest in the girl never crossed Xander's mind.

He liked Fate, though after the story of how the deity took out past-Deidre, he knew better than to trust the godling completely.

The godling promised to tell Gabriel about he bet that took out past-Death, only when Gabriel was on the right path.

worshippers, 123,000 votaries of the snake-god Gaga, and, in the Punjab, some 35,000 special votaries of the snake godlings.

The Code is flexible for us godlings, Fate said, chuckling.

They were, however, fated to fall far short of such a consummation; and at all times orthodox Brahmanism has had to wink at, or ignore, all manner of gross superstitions and repulsive practices, along with the popular worship of countless hosts of godlings, demons, spirits and ghosts, and mystic objects and symbols of every description.

The godling seemed surprised to see Xander last night.

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