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goddesses Meaning in Tamil ( goddesses வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)



goddesses தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

இது பெண்தெய்வம் ஆகும்.

அவர்கள் வழிபடும் பெண்தெய்வம் அக்கம்மா.

இந்த கோவில் பெண்தெய்வம் அன்னபூரணிதேவிக்காகக் கட்டப்பட்டது.

வானத்தில் வருத்தாமல் இருக்கும் பெண்தெய்வம் சாலிமீன் (வடமீன், அருந்ததி நட்சத்திரம்) புதல்வனைத் தூக்கிய பரத்தையையும் சாலிமீன் போன்றவள் (கற்புக்கரசி) என்று தலைவி எண்ணி மகிழ்ந்து இப்பாடலில் போற்றுகிறாள்.

முத்தாலம்மன் பெண்தெய்வம்.

goddesses's Usage Examples:

); there were the closely-related goddesses Ashira and Ishtar-Astarte (the Old Testament Asherah and Ashtoreth).

(2) connecting him with the vulture and uraeus goddesses, Nekhabi and Buto of the south and north.

590) he was cast out by Zeus and fell on Lemnos; in the other, Hera threw him down immediately after his birth in disgust at his lameness, and he was received by the sea-goddesses Eurynome and Thetis.

There is an obvious development from the serpent qua reptile to the deity or the devil, and that the original theriomorphic form is not at once forgotten can be seen in Zeus Meilichios, Aesculapius Amynos, in the Cretan snake-goddesses, or in the Buddhist topes illustrated by Fergusson.

In course of time various plaids or mantles are assumed, and in Babylonia the goddesses were the first to have both shoulders covered.

"The Egyptians themselves delighted in identifying together goddesses of the most diverse forms and attributes; but Ubasti was almost indistinguishable in form from Tafne.

Ubasti was one of many feline goddesses, figured with the head of a lioness.

The plural (Fata, the Fates) was used for the "destinies" of individuals or cities, and then for the three goddesses who controlled them.

44), chairs were substituted for couches in the case of goddesses, and the lectisternium in their case became a sellisternium (the reading, however, is not certain).

With Khnum are associated the goddesses Sati and Neith.

Good Order, Justice, Peace) the extension of their functions as goddesses of order from nature to the events of human life, and at the same time invests them with moral attributes.


god, immortal, divinity, earth goddess, deity, earth-goddess,


inferior, finite, mortal, earthly,

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