<< frusta frustrated >>

frustrate Meaning in Tamil ( frustrate வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


இடையிட்டு தடு,

frustrate's Usage Examples:

On the other hand, if it's simply too late, and you are staring at yourself in the mirror in a depressingly too tight bikini, don't get angry, sad or frustrated.

Most of the time they like what has been done, but every so often they get frustrated because nothing they have said was taken into account and the participant is no better off than before they started the show.

His little tongue shook with the intensity of his frustrated wail.

With a frustrated sigh, she lifted her hand and gazed at him pensively.

Turkey was indeed too much occupied by the war with Russia to pay much attention to Arab affairs, though a few years later she attempted to occupy Bahrein by a coup de main, which was only frustrated by the action of a British gunboat.

He is conceived as controlling or overcoming the forces of nature; and though an earlier mythology has supplied some of the ideas, yet, as with the opening chapters of Genesis, they are transfigured by the moral purpose which animates them, the purpose to subdue all things that could frustrate the destiny of God's anointed (v.

Engaged Buddhism would then become a cop-out for frustrated meditators, a kind of Buddhism Lite.

I get frustrated sometimes, but.

In 1613 he appeared with the emperor Matthias before the diet of Ratisbon as the advocate of the introduction into Germany of the Gregorian calendar; but the attempt was for the time frustrated by anti-papal prejudice.

The Scottish Jacobites were left in ignorance of the French attempt to land in the mouth of the Thames (February - March 1744), an effort frustrated by a disastrous tempest, and by the slackness of the English conspirators.

excoriated flesh, frustrated sex, the geometry of fear.

Don't become frustrated if the autistic student has a bad day or is uncooperative.

He and his minister were alternately gulled by France and by the emperor, and the net result of all their activity was bankruptcy and discontent at home and ever-frustrated hopes abroad.


forbid, thwart, short-circuit, forestall, spoil, foreclose, bilk, dash, ruin, preclude, queer, let down, prevent, cross, disappoint, foil, scotch, baffle,


consume, defend, praise, please, orient,

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