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frivol Meaning in Tamil ( frivol வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


frivol's Usage Examples:

The antagonism predated the series pilot; it seems that he had never had much use for Paris, whose frivolous attitude and privileged background no doubt rubbed the future equivalent of the scholarship student the wrong way.

It was at this period that, to use his own words, he "passed per saltum from frivolity to philosophy.

for encouraging him in his follies and frivolity.

Thrown into prison on a frivolous charge of friendliness to the royalists and England, he was released after the fall of Robespierre in the summer of 1794, and rose in the service until, in 1799, he became chief commissary to the French army serving under Massena in the north of Switzerland.

Such gesture, directed towards an inoffensive person, became an insult, and the word sycophant might imply one who insulted another by bringing a frivolous or malicious accusation against him.

41-104) that we have a true image of the average sensual frivolous life of Rome at the end of the 1st century, seen through a medium of wit and humour, but undistorted by the exaggeration which moral indignation and the love of effect add to the representation of Juvenal.

A polka dot wedding cake is a great way to break from tradition and feature fun and frivolity in your dessert.

Everyone appreciates some silliness and frivolity once in a while.

He spent, however, the last twenty-five years of his life in regretting the frivolity which enabled him to produce this most charming of poems.

She thought her too fashionably dressed, frivolously gay and vain.

That " there were in Athens persons who abused the dialectical exercise for frivolous puzzles " he admits; but " to treat Euthydemus and Dionysodorus as samples of ` the Sophists ' is, " he continues, " altogether unwarrantable.

These acts helped greatly to discredit the Moderate party, of whose spirit they were the outcome; and that party further injured their standing in the country by attacking Leslie, afterwards Sir John Leslie, on frivolous grounds - a phrase he had used about Hume's view of causation - when he applied for the chair of mathematics in Edinburgh.

There remains, however, a letter from the king, in which Philip tells his old favourite, with frivolous ferocity, that it might be necessary to sacrifice his life in order to avert unpopularity from the royal house.


behave, do, trifle, act,


inactivity, activity, refrain, discontinue, behave,

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