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frivolity Meaning in Tamil ( frivolity வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)



frivolity தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

ஆலன் குறிப்பிடும் கடிதத்தில் ரூடியார்ட் கிப்ளிங் என்பவர் குறிப்பிட்டது போல் சிம்லா "அற்பத்தனம், வம்புப்பேச்சு, சதியாலோசனை ஆகியவற்றுக்காகப் புகழ் பெற்றிருந்தது.

frivolity's Usage Examples:

He is free from the scholastic trifling and learned frivolity which tainted the rhetorical culture of his century.

They're the symbols of frivolity and the sultry sex appeal you only find in the hottest clubs in Miami on a sweltering evening, where music's pumping as hard as your heart, and the moonlight's making everyone glow.

for encouraging him in his follies and frivolity.

It was at this period that, to use his own words, he "passed per saltum from frivolity to philosophy.

He did not like to combine frivolity with the serious business of hunting.

He displays his own vanity, frivolity and futile cleverness with much unconscious humour, but, it is only fair to allow, with some literary dexterity.

So that during this reign of frivolity and passion, so bold in conception and so poor in execution, the thinkers contributed still further to mark the contrast between grandeur of plan and mediocrity of result.

The simplicity of his life and his adherence to Stoic principles were looked upon as a reproach to the frivolity and debaucheries of Nero, who "at last yearned to put Virtue itself to death in the persons of Thrasea and Soranus" (Tacitus).

He is said to have been the king's minstrel, and to have spoilt the earlier part of his life in frivolity.

"He displays his own vanity, frivolity and futile cleverness with much unconscious humour, but, it is only fair to allow, with some literary dexterity.

In 1774 he became an ensign in the guards, but his frivolity provoked the displeasure of Gustavus III.


fluff, triviality, trivia, small beer, trifle, bagatelle, frippery,


irresoluteness, intractability, cleanliness, humility, seriousness,

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