fritillary Meaning in Tamil ( fritillary வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)
அல்லிமலர்ச் செடிவகை
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fritillary's Usage Examples:
fritillarywith the white admiral but caught up with a group of 5 heath fritillaries and several hoverflies.
fritillary butterfly is found in these areas.
Butterflies include the dark green and Duke of Burgundy fritillary, chalkhill blue, brown Argus and silver-spotted skipper.
Oakwoods and their associated open areas provide a rich and diverse habitat for a variety of invertebrates, including the Pearl-bordered fritillary Boloria euphrosyne.
A Small pearl bordered fritillary was the most unusual.
On a fine summer's day you may be rewarded by the sight of a white admiral, silver-washed fritillary or comma butterfly.
fritillaryhs wind between areas where the grass is left unmown for spring bulbs and later flowers to thrive, such as snake's-head fritillaries.
fritillaryexpect to see fritillaries in Christ Church Meadows from about the third week of April.
Regionally, only brown hairstreak, pearl-bordered fritillary, high brown fritillary and marsh fritillary show higher rates of decline over the same period.
Cowslips are plentiful and the rare snake's head fritillary can be found in the damper areas.
Dark Green fritillary Argynnis aglaja The dark green fritillary is very similar to the silver washed fritillary.
If the name is retained it ought properly to include only those parts which secrete a honey-like substance, as the glandular depression at the base of the perianth of the fritillary, or on the petal of Ranunculus (fig.
The high brown fritillary butterfly is found in these areas.