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florescences Meaning in Tamil ( florescences வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


florescences's Usage Examples:

Seeds of this kind have been found in connexion with the Cordaianthus inflorescences; the winged seeds'of Samaropsis, borne on long pedicels, are attributed by Grand' Eury to the genus Dorycordaites.

Anton Kerner has shown that crowded inflorescences such as those of Compositae and Umbelliferae are especially adapted for geitonogamy.

I, Branch with male (a) and female (b) inflorescences; 2, bract with three male flowers; 3, bract with three female flowers; 4, infrutescence; 5, fruit.

The minute flowers are arranged in spikelets somewhat as in grasses, and these again in larger spike-like or panicled inflorescences.

Flowers are with splashes of pink and are born terminally on several-flowered racemes, cymes, or corymbose inflorescences.

Compound definite inflorescences are by no means common, but in Streptocarpus polyanthus and in several calceolarias we probably have examples.

Lastly, we have what are called compound indefinite inflorescences.

According to the mode and degree of development of the lateral shoots and also of the bracts, various forms of both inflorescences result.

personal efflorescences provoked by a totality of experiences which differed in each case.

These nitrates generally occur as efflorescences caused by the oxidation of nitrogenous matter in the presence of the alkalies and alkaline earths.

In the conifers proper the female reproductive organs have the form of cones, which may be styled flowers or inflorescences according to different interpretations of their morphology.

inflorescences of rich purplish-blue flowers with conspicuous green calyces.

Spikelets unisexual, male and female in separate inflorescences or on different parts of the same inflorescence.


inflorescence, ontogenesis, anthesis, development, maturation, growth, growing, blossoming, efflorescence, flowering, ontogeny,


nondevelopment, palingenesis, cenogenesis, devolution, decline,

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