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florescence Meaning in Tamil ( florescence வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


florescence தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

ஏ) சோதனைகள், காலணி இம்யுனோப்ளாட்டுகள், ஃபில்ட்டர்களின் நேரடி இம்யுனோஃப்ளூரசன்ஸ் நுண்ணோக்கியல், மற்றும் காந்தக மணிகள் உபயோகிக்கும் இம்யுனோகாப்ட்சர் நுட்பங்கள் ஆகியவை ஈ.

florescence's Usage Examples:

The smaller bracts or bracteoles, which occur among the subdivisions of a branching inflorescence, often produce no flower-buds, and thus anomalies occur in the floral arrangements.

These nitrates generally occur as efflorescences caused by the oxidation of nitrogenous matter in the presence of the alkalies and alkaline earths.

personal efflorescences provoked by a totality of experiences which differed in each case.

) with yucca-like leaves, was related to the cycads and conifers; the catkin-like inflorescence, which bore yew-like berries, is called Cardiocarpus.

5 is a spikelet of the female inflorescence, consisting of two outer glumes, the lower one ciliated, which enclose two florets - one (a) barren (sometimes fertile), consisting of a flowering glume and pale only, and the other (b) fertile, containing the pistil with elongated style.

- (I) Inflorescence of Forget-me-not; (2) ripe fruits.

So also in Labiatae, such as dead-nettle (Lamium), the different whorls of inflorescence are developed centripetally, while the florets of the verticillaster are centrifugal.

Numerous circular pits occur on the concentric ridges of the depressed and wrinkled crown, marking the position of former inflorescences borne in the leaf-axil at different stages in the growth of the plant.

Anton Kerner has shown that crowded inflorescences such as those of Compositae and Umbelliferae are especially adapted for geitonogamy.

There is definitely an element of the trickster archetype pervading the Salvia realm, and not every trip ends in a nice tidy enlightenment!A series of empty coloured bracts terminates the inflorescence of Salvia Horminum.

The simplest form of the definite type of the inflorescence is seen in Anemone nemorosa and in gentianella (Gentiana acaulis), where the axis terminates in a single flower, no other flowers being produced upon the plant.

The efflorescence of aboriginal pottery is to be found in the Pueblo region of south-westernUnited States, in Mexico, Central America,Caribbean Islands, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru and restricted areas of eastern Brazil.

Tabular View Of Inflorescences A.


inflorescence, ontogenesis, anthesis, development, maturation, growth, growing, blossoming, efflorescence, flowering, ontogeny,


nondevelopment, palingenesis, cenogenesis, devolution, decline,

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