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flaxen Meaning in Tamil ( flaxen வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


flaxen's Usage Examples:

  Deidre's long, flaxen hair was in a messy braid, and her skin was pale.

Lady Caroline herself was described as slender, graceful, with short clipped flaxen curls with a soft prettily affected voice.

flaxen mane ' tail, good to shoe, box, traffic ' handle.

Satisfied, Rhyn rose, towering over the tiny woman with flaxen hair.

gelding with flaxen mane and tail, 3 white socks and a full blaze.

Striking liver chestnut, 4 white stockings, flaxen mane ' tail, good to shoe, box, traffic ' handle.

The tailor replaced his cloak of black, and the man with the flaxen beard proffered him a little glass of some refreshing fluid.

She had eyes the deepest blue-green of the Celtic Sea and flaxen hair, which although matted and unkempt, promised to shine sun-kissed when groomed.

flaxen beard proffered him a little glass of some refreshing fluid.

flaxen curls with a soft prettily affected voice.

His portrait was thus drawn by the duc de St Simon: - "He was a little, pitiful, wizened, herringgutted man, in a flaxen wig, with a weasel's face, brightened by some intellect.


blond, blonde, sandy, light-haired,


bronzed, suntanned, achromatic color, argillaceous, brunet,

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