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flayed Meaning in Tamil ( flayed வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)



flayed's Usage Examples:

Throughout the Ukraine the gentry were hunted down, flayed, burnt, blinded and sawn asunder.

She was reported as saying that when the king gave opportunity by leaving England, she would put Mary to death even if she were burnt or flayed alive for it.

He plays the lyre at the banquets of the gods, and causes Marsyas to be flayed alive because he had boasted of his superior skill in playing the flute, and the ears of Midas to grow long because he had declared in favour of Pan, who contended that the flute was a better instrument than Apollo's favourite, the lyre.

In another version, the Muses were judges and awarded the victory to Apollo, who tied Marsyas to a tree and flayed him alive.

Throughout the Ukraine the Polish gentry were hunted down, flayed and burnt alive, blinded and sawn asunder.

All along the sides of the road fallen horses were to be seen, some flayed, some not, and broken-down carts beside which solitary soldiers sat waiting for something, and again soldiers straggling from their companies, crowds of whom set off to the neighboring villages, or returned from them dragging sheep, fowls, hay, and bulging sacks.

According to the traditional account he was flayed alive and then crucified with his head downwards, at Albanopolis in Armenia, or, according to Nicephorus, at Urbanopolis in Cilicia.

They reaped no fruits from the victory, and Cyprus was taken from her after the heroic defence of Famagusta by Bragadino, who was flayed alive, and his skin, stuffed with straw, borne in triumph to Constantinople.

Under what conditions can we claim victory in this war on disease?In another version, the Muses were judges and awarded the victory to Apollo, who tied Marsyas to a tree and flayed him alive.

The corpse was flayed, and Mani's adherents were cruelly persecuted by the king.

In the next month the god Xipe-totec, already mentioned, had his festival called the " flaying of men " from the human victims being flayed, after their hearts were torn out, for young men to dress in their skins and perform dances and sham fights.


pare, peel, skin,


increase, dress,

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