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flab Meaning in Tamil ( flab வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)



flab தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

எக்ஃசு-9) என்பதுதான் 100 கிகா ஃப்ளாப்பைத் தாண்டிய (நொமிசெகளைத் தாண்டிய) நெறிய நுண்செயலி கொண்ட முதல் மீத்திறன் கணினி ஆகும்.

2 பெடாஃப்ளாப்பையும் எட்டியது.

எம்-இன் மீத்திறன் கணினியான உரோடு இரன்னர் தான் 1 பெட்டா ஃப்ளாப்பைத் தாண்டிய (ஒரு பெட்டா நொமிசெகளைத் தாண்டிய) முதல் மீத்திறன் கணினி என்பது மென்பொருள் நூலக நிரலோட்டத்தால் (Linepack Benchmark) அளவிடப்பட்டு அறிவிக்கப்பட்டது.

flab's Usage Examples:

Fl, The flabellum which becomes the epipodite of higher forms.

In that regard it's a good idea to stick to easy quaffing reds, rosés and whites that are not big on drama, excessively flabby or condescendingly mawkish.

It won't duplicate the tight, toned look you'd get at the gym and it won't make you skinny if you're not, but it can help disguise flab and cut down on jiggle, which may be all you need.

Besides betel-nut (Areca Catechu), the palms of India include the coco-nut (Cocos nucifera), the bastard date (Phoenix sylvestris), the palmyra (Borassus flabellifer), and the true date (Phoenix dactylifera).

Ruched sides can go a long way toward enhancing a stick-thin figure or camouflaging unwanted flab.

They're cold and flabby, like cabbages, in spite of their prettiness.

flabellatus), and Naias marina.

O viridissima virga, ave, quae in ventoso flabro sciscitationis sanctorum prodisti.

angustifolia, leaves of the date palm (Phoenix sylvestris), of the dwarf palm (Chamaerops Ritchiana), of the Palmyra palm (Borassus flabelliformis), of the coco-nut palm (Cocos nucifera)andof the screw pine (Pandanus odoratissimus), the munja or munj grass (Saccharum Munja) and allied grasses, and the mat grasses Cyperus textilis and C.

Never, have I seen a person so flabbergasted, so stunned.

So, when those players in the commercial retire from football and their abs get flabby and their hard muscles transform in to soft flab, maybe someone should point and laugh at them.

Posted: Thu Nov 16, 2006 11:02 am Subject: Question: How to get rid of the *cough* flab?Everyone has abs; it's just that most of us have a layer of flab covering them.


fat, fatty tissue, adipose tissue,


ectomorphic, thin, mesomorphic, angular,

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