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fjords Meaning in Tamil ( fjords வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)



fjords தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

இது ஓர் இயற்கை மலை, குன்று, சமவெளி, பீடபூமி, பள்ளத்தாக்கு, விரிகுடா, கடற்கரை, எரிமலைகள், கத்திமுனைக்குன்று, பனி அரி பள்ளம், குகை, நுழைகழி, பனியாறு போன்றவையாக இருக்கலாம்.

fjords's Usage Examples:

The presence of the sea in these fjords is an accident.

separated from one another by rocky promontories, appear to owe their origin to subsidences of the surface; whereas the fjords of the north-west peninsula, which make excellent harbours, and those of the east coast seem to be the result chiefly of erosion.

Abrupt walls overlook the Pacific, and great longitudinal and transversal channels and fjords run right through the heart of the range, cutting it generally in a direction more or less oblique to its axis, the result of movements of the earth's crust.

Here the ice converges into the valleys and moves with increasing velocity in the form of glaciers into the fjords, where they break off as icebergs.

South of the Toro there are no large rivers on this coast, but the narrow fjords penetrate deeply into the mountains and bring away the drainage of their snow-capped, storm-swept elevations.

A few soundings made outside this coast seem to indicate that the fjords continue as deep submarine valleys far out into the sea.

Aalesund is adjacent to the JOrund and Geiranger fjords, frequented by tourists.

East Falkland is almost bisected by two deep fjords, Choiseul and Brenton Sounds, which leave the northern and southern portions connected only by an isthmus a mile and a half wide.

The Pacific border of the coast range of British Columbia is ragged with fjords and channels, where large steamers may go 50 or Too m.

Apart from the fjords and lakes the chief beauties of the Alps are glaciers and waterfalls.

- The coasts of Greenland are for the most part deeply indented with fjords, being intensely glaciated.

(extremes), with its fantastic coast-line indented by fjords and projecting into long spits or promontories, may be considered as the nucleus of the kingdom, inasmuch as it contains the capital, Copenhagen, and such important towns as Roskilde, Slagelse, Korsor, Naestved and Elsinore (Helsingor).


inlet, recess, fiord,



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