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exhausted Meaning in Tamil ( exhausted வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


முற்றும் சோர்வடைந்த,

exhausted தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

பின்னர், 36 மணி நேர வேலை முடிந்து, முற்றும் சோர்வடைந்த நிலையில் வீடு திரும்புகிற பெண் ஆலை தொழிலாளர்களின் மாற்றத்திற்கு தொழிலாளர் இயக்கம் உருவாக்கி ஈடுபட முடிவு செய்தார்.

exhausted's Usage Examples:

For forage purposes it is best to cut early, before the leaves and haulms have been exhausted of their supplies to benefit the grain.

All the activity and lack of sleep was catching up with her and she was exhausted.

Gold is found chiefly in placers, and in colonial times the output was large, but the deposits were long ago exhausted and the industry is now comparatively unimportant.

By his extravagance the king exhausted the treasure amassed by his father, burdened his country with heavy taxes, and reduced its finances to chaos.

In Howie's exhausted state, inducing him to sleep was not difficult.

The Garibaldians, mowed down by the new French chassept rifles, fought until their last cartridges were exhausted, and retreated the next day towards the Italian frontier, leaving 800 prisoners.

Wiggling her toes in the plushest carpet she'd ever felt, she leaned against the window sill, exhausted yet wired.

If we go back to the first instance cited, the embryo in the seed and its development during germination, we can ascertain what is necessary for its life by inquiring what are the materials which are deposited in the seed, and which become exhausted by consumption as growth and development proceed.

Rissa started toward the bathing chamber once again, rattled and exhausted.

Every winter the supply is exhausted by the washers, and every summer it is renewed by the river.

In 1846 Wakefield, exhausted with labour, was struck down by apoplexy, and spent more than a year in complete retirement, writing during his gradual recovery his Art of Colonization.


worn-out, fatigued, washed-out, dog-tired, spent, fagged, tired, worn out, played out,


reinvigorated, untired, charged, colorful, rested,

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