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exhaustion Meaning in Tamil ( exhaustion வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)



exhaustion தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

"பல்வேறு தாமதமான வருகை மற்றும் படப்பிடிப்பில் இருக்காமை" மற்றும் "குறிப்பிடப்படும் உங்கள்'முழுச்சோர்வு'க்கு உண்மையான காரணம் ஒவ்வொரு இரவும் பலத்த கொண்டாட்டம் தான் என்பதை நாங்கள் நன்கு அறிவோம்" எனக் குறிப்பிட்டார்.

exhaustion's Usage Examples:

The series of operations connected with the manufacture and distribution of coal gas embraces the processes of distillation, condensation, exhaustion, wet purification by washing and scrubbing, dry purification, measuring, storing and distribution to the mains whence the consumer's supply is drawn.

They were wholly inadequate, and the result of the attempt to dominate all western Europe was to Character of produce bankruptcy and exhaustion.

The combination of exhaustion, sleepiness and pure elation at finishing makes for an emotional end and a fantastic sense of achievement!This sleepiness should be distinguished from the feeling of physical weariness due to overuse and fatigue of the limb muscles.

In his extant Conoids and Spheroids he defines a conoid to be the solid formed by the revolution of the parabola and hyperbola about its axis, and a spheroid to be formed similarly from the ellipse; these solids he discussed with great acumen, and effected their cubature by his famous "method of exhaustions.

At bottom the emperor Francis, perhaps also Metternich, wanted peace, but on terms which the exhaustion of the combatants would enable them to dictate.

Engelmann observed that certain bacteria were motile only in the presence of oxygen, and that they retained their motility in a microscopic preparation in the neighbourhood of an algal filament when they had come to rest elsewhere on account of the exhaustion of oxygen.

Of 4000 thus exiled, more than 1000 died in the course of the first two years from exhaustion and disease; and more would have perished had not information reached Count Leo Tolstoy and his friends, and through them the Society of Friends in England.

Finally exhaustion became sleep.

The rapid exhaustion in late years of the caribou, seals and other animals, once the food or stockin-trade of the Aleuts and other races, threatens more and more the swift depletion of the natives.

The seventh year's fallow prevented the exhaustion of the soil, which was further enriched by the burning of the weeds and spontaneous growth of the Sabbatical year.


brain-fag, weariness, inanition, mental exhaustion, fatigue, frazzle, tiredness,


shift, transformation, step-up, intensifying, invigorating,

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