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ebb Meaning in Tamil ( ebb வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)

வேலமி இறக்கம்

ebb's Usage Examples:

Soft, pebbled, glazed, and croc-style leathers make up many of the traditional styles.

The basic British infantryman, like his French and German contemporaries, was issued with his uniform, webbing and a rifle with bayonet.

They had, besides, the lance, the club, sometimes studded with pebbles, and the javelin, and they seem to have known the shield.

âIt has to be when we were filming Pebble Mill for the Australian bicentenary.

There was a Russian freighter on the still used upstream wharf, which meant that John's dash across the ebb side on.

The first powerloom used in the United States was invented about 1812, and was set up at Peacedale, in 1814, for the manufacture of woollen saddlegirths and other webbing.

Debbie is convinced that Brad is her mystery caller, but she may have got her wires crossed.

east of the Katonga (see below) is Entebbe, the port of Uganda and seat of the British administration.

dter Tauern, the SOlkscharte, the P16cken and the Pontebba (or Saifnitz).

It was surprising to see how serenely he sailed off with unruffled breast when he came to the surface, doing all the work with his webbed feet beneath.

Sail-cloth, horsehair, cloth and webbing are manufactured.

other succulents in the genus Crassula also resemble pebbles.

Lusitanica, Webb, by Cynips (Diplolepis, Latr.


ebb away, ebb out, ebb down, fall back, ebb off,


addition, appreciation, expansion, maximization, tide,

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