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ebbs Meaning in Tamil ( ebbs வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


ebbs's Usage Examples:

Their curved backward "S" shape appears to be in constant motion as each half rises and ebbs and appears to meld seamlessly into the other.

As the city roar dies away and light ebbs from these busy plains the mountain enjoys the afterglow and radiates its presence.

- Superficially regarded, philosophy ebbs and flows, whatever progress the debate may reveal to speculative insight.

An A-Z of Contemporary Art: Sunday 2-3pm: Are you often bamboozled by contemporary art terminology?I was saddened that our poor women should have been so bamboozled by the Webbs.

This volatile body of water ebbs and flows with the changing tides, so calculating the distance from the water to the bridge is difficult because the distance is constantly changing.


ebb away, ebb out, ebb down, fall back, ebb off,


addition, appreciation, expansion, maximization, tide,

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