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dowry Meaning in Tamil ( dowry வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


ஸ்திரீ தனம், எதிர் ஜாமீன், சீதனம்,

dowry's Usage Examples:

At this time Bianca's uncle, Ludovico Sforza, was invested with the duchy of Milan in return for the substantial dowry which his niece brought to the king.

"His brother and Augustus, after fighting with great distinction against the Turks both by land and sea (Prince Eugene decorated him with a sword of honour for his valour at the siege of Belgrade), had returned home to marry Sophia Sieniawska, whose fabulous dowry won for her husband the sobriquet of "the Family Croesus.

All other daughters had only a life interest in their dowry, which reverted to their family, if childless, or went to their children if they had any.

In that case the dowry must be returned to the wife.

gave his daughter a scanty dowry and quarrels on this head embittered the relations between the two kingdoms, which the marriage, although accompanied by a treaty of perpetual peace, did nothing to heal.

If she had no children, he returned her the dowry and paid her a sum equivalent to the bride-price, or a mina of silver, if there had been none.

The native contracts with the wife gave to her child all the husbands property, and divorce or separation was provided for, entailing forfeiture of the dowry.

Among the ancients it was in request for poles, rafters, joists, and for the construction of winepresses, tables and musical instruments; and on that account was so valuable that a plantation of cypresses was considered a sufficient dowry for a daughter.

If a wife became a chronic invalid, the husband was bound to maintain her in the home they had made together, unless she preferred to take her dowry and go back to her father's house; but he was free to remarry.

The dowry was never paid, and the king held himself free of his promise.

Shops are filled with gorgeous silken saris, exotic spices and all the jewelry essential for an Indian bride's dowry.

Until 1468 the islands were part of Norway, when they were pawned to James III of Scotland in lieu of a royal dowry.

In the same year, with characteristic imprudence, he married a wife without dowry.


portion, dower, gift, dowery,


success, good fortune, good luck, disable, disinherit,

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