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doxy Meaning in Tamil ( doxy வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


doxy's Usage Examples:

The doctrines presented were dreamy and mystic; they rejected the infallibility of human wisdom, and threw suspicion on the order and arrangement of human orthodoxy.

80) speaks of chiliasm as a necessary part of complete orthodoxy, although he knows Christians who do not accept it.

Martensen's Dogmatics restates substantial orthodoxy with fine literary taste.

Dyophysite orthodoxy has sterilized Eastern Christianity, or thrown it upon inferior forms of piety.

His inward break with Jewish orthodoxy dated, no doubt, further back - from his acquaintance with the philosophical theologians and commentators of the middle ages; but these new interests combined to estrange him still further from the traditions of the synagogue.

An act of accusation, containing in 37 articles the chief complaints against them, was read out to the people; not only their policy, but their orthodoxy was attacked, and there was even an insinuation of sorcery.

Philosophy had attempted to free itself from the trammels of theological orthodoxy in the hardy speculations of some schoolmen, notably of Scotus Erigena and Abelard.

In character they are industrious and hospitable, and pique themselves on their loyalty and orthodoxy.

Are all the Christian writers of a given period to be included among the "fathers," or those only who wrote on religious subjects, and of whose orthodoxy there is no doubt ?c.

When the Arians, however, finding the second form more consistent with their views, adopted it persistently and exclusively, its use was naturally discountenanced by the Catholics, and the other form became the symbol of orthodoxy.

In the hands of moralistic theologians, like Lactantius, they certainly assume a somewhat grotesque form, but the fact that these men clung to them is the clearest evidence that in the West millennarianism was still a point of "orthodoxy" in the 4th century.

The procession of the Host on Corpus Christi day became, as it were, a public demonstration of Catholic orthodoxy against Protestantism and later against religious Liberalism.


mistress, fancy woman, paramour, kept woman, courtesan, odalisque, concubine,


man, employee,

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