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downy Meaning in Tamil ( downy வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


பட்டுப் போன்று மென் மயிர் போர்த்திய,

downy தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:


downy's Usage Examples:

The large, downy peaches would reach themselves into my hand, and as the joyous breezes flew about the trees the apples tumbled at my feet.

The nectarine is a variation from the peach, mainly characterized by the circumstance that, while the skin of the ripe fruit is downy in the peach, it is shining and destitute of hairs in the nectarine.

The soft bed was warm from her body heat, and she found herself running a hand over the downy comforter while she tried to understand the emotions within her.

pubescent leaves, sporulation typical of a downy mildew was associated with the leaf spots.

There are two undercoats; one is a downy fur that helps keep the cat warm during cold winters, and the second undercoat is longer hairs that serve to retain heat.

Her eyes were smiling expectantly, her downy lip rose and remained lifted in childlike happiness.

The leaves are composed of seven radiating leaflets (long-wedge-shaped); when young they are downy and drooping.

The roundish leaves, toothed on the margin, are slightly downy when young, but afterwards smooth, dark green on the upper and greyish green on the lower surface; the long slender petioles, much flattened towards the outer end, allow of free lateral motion by the lightest breeze, giving the foliage its well-known tremulous character.

Within one hour we found a pair of Brasilian Mergansers with at least five downy chicks!Many ducks breed here, and many others pass through in migration :: of the former, the most numerous are mallard and teal; of the latter, pintail, shoveler, scaup, ring-neck ducks, and mergansers.

"They say the ball will be very good," replied the princess, drawing up her downy little lip.

The patient may feel chilly or have developed lanugo, a growth of downy body hair.


puberulent, hirsute, haired, sericeous, hairy, pubescent,


noisy, softness, unalarming, mature, hairless,

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