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doused Meaning in Tamil ( doused வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


நீரில் முழுக்கு,

doused தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:


doused's Usage Examples:

doused in vinegar - a real taste of the sea.

A curmudgeon, Bobby's interactions are often humorous and doused in salt of the earth.

doused in a bucket of water, then buried deep in the ground.

doused regularly in perfume.

Instead, she slipped into bed, and in spite of the early hour, doused the lights and asked that any talk wait until morning.

doused in water, they frantically licked the water from their fur.

Dean doused them in enough Parmesan cheese that they looked like Mount Abrams in February.

doused in gasoline, and that was end of story.

Leo is a fire sign, and his passion can flare as easily as a fire doused with gasoline.

Hopefully, Cynthia thought as she left, not 'third bottle' pork chops—meat doused with a shake from every third container on the spice rack.

Our fire fighting equipment quickly doused the fire, and the family were taken back to Cowes.


furl, roll up,


raise, increase, cool,

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