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douse Meaning in Tamil ( douse வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


நீரில் முழுக்கு,

douse தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:


douse's Usage Examples:

doused in vinegar - a real taste of the sea.

A curmudgeon, Bobby's interactions are often humorous and doused in salt of the earth.

Just as water tends to douse the bright and aggressive nature of fire, in astrology, the water signs like Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces possess an emotional intensity that can almost restrict a fire sign such as Sagittarius.

douseyou can find adequate help, gently roll the animal over onto its front and keep its skin wet by dousing with seawater.

doused in a bucket of water, then buried deep in the ground.

Finally, douse your do with plenty of hair spray before heading out to your party.

doused regularly in perfume.

douset burns may be treated by promptly dousing the injured area with cold water and applying a cold compress.

This means your important documents and other items are protected in the event of a flood, and will also be protected from the water used by firefighters to douse your home.

Keep a bucket of water nearby to douse the fire should it get out of hand.

Instead, she slipped into bed, and in spite of the early hour, doused the lights and asked that any talk wait until morning.


furl, roll up,


raise, increase, cool,

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