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discretionary Meaning in Tamil ( discretionary வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


சமயோசிதமான, நிர்ணயிக்கப்(பட வேண்டிய)பட்ட, யோசனை செய்து,

discretionary's Usage Examples:

The president of each house has the discretionary power of appointing additional laymen, not exceeding ten in number.

A number of private client stockbrokers also hold our shares on behalf of discretionary clients.

A failure to pay a discretionary loyalty bonus to employees on maternity leave is discrimination under the SDA: Gus Home Shopping Ltd.

The court which can award a sentence is said to possess as of common right a discretionary power of granting a reprieve.

In some sense the king's writ of significavit was discretionary; but its issue could be enforced by excommunication or interdict.

"Under the Public Worship Regulation Act of 1874, which gave to churchwardens and aggrieved parishioners the right to institute proceedings against the clergy for breaches of the law in the conduct of divine service, a discretionary right was reserved to the bishop to stay proceedings.

) are unknown; but it is probable that the two first of the laws progressively weakened the discretionary power of senate and consuls in admitting such petitions; and that the Hortensian law fully recognized the right of resolutions of the plebs (plebiscita) to bind the whole community.

The rubrics of the Scottish portion of the book are somewhat stricter, and, indeed, one or two of the Geneva rubrics were made more absolute in the Scottish emendations; but no doubt the ` Book of Common Order' is best described as a discretionary liturgy.

Taking time to fill out applications and making an effort to get more money for college can dramatically reduce the amount you'll pay in loans later and may even leave you with a greater amount of discretionary spending money.

In 1880 a provisional Bill was submitted to parliament giving the crown discretionary power not to enforce the laws.

These discretionary grants are offered to help businesses carry out research or development work that will lead to technologically innovative products or processes.

Subject to his control the government of India enjoys a certain discretionary Finance.

Local authority grants - discretionary awards Local authorities distribute booklets detailing award policies.


arbitrary, discretional,


classified, unfree, nonarbitrary,

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