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discrimination Meaning in Tamil ( discrimination வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


வேறுபாடு காணல்,

discrimination தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:


discrimination's Usage Examples:

As presiding officer the Speaker exercises a right of discrimination between members rising to speak in debate, and can thus advance or retard the progress of a measure.

The vice of the book is excessive classification of bodily faculties, and over-subtlety in the discrimination of diseases.

It held shipper as well as carrier, and corporation as well as its officer or agent, liable for violations of the act, and conferred upon United States courts power to employ equity processes in putting an end to discrimination.

In many places, we have ended the legal discrimination of people based on race.

The child makes perceptual discriminations involving color, shape, size, use, number, missing parts, and symbolic material.

Children do not appear to make racial distinctions before they are of preschool age but age and sex discriminations are made earlier.

Foreign demand has shown so little discrimination that experts, finding it impossible to obtain adequate remuneration for first-class work, have been obliged to abandon the field altogether, or to lower their standard to the level of general appreciation, or by forgery to cater for the perverted taste which attaches unreasoning value to age.

It aimed at the prohibition of discrimination between persons, places and commodities.

He adopted them to a great extent, but with much discrimination, and he used his own judgment in latinizing when he pleased.

15, 1908) containing some interesting discriminations; a revue by L.

Constitution for not protecting gay and bisexual students from harassment and discrimination.

The remarkable physiological discoveries of Sir Charles Bell (1774-1842) and Marshall Hall (1790-1857) for the first time rendered possible the discrimination of diseases of the spinal cord.

skinhead attacks on minorities in Germany) or blatant forms of discrimination are criticized.


favouritism, social control, cronyism, ablism, racialism, heterosexism, fatism, racism, able-bodiedism, able-bodism, agism, racial discrimination, sexism, ageism, fattism, favoritism, nepotism, ableism,


low status, demobilization, nationalization, mobilization, denationalization,

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