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dermatologists Meaning in Tamil ( dermatologists வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


தோல் நோய் மருத்துவர்,

dermatologists தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:


dermatologists's Usage Examples:

Enbrel is another drug dermatologists prescribe for children.

Only physicians experienced in diagnosing and treating severe acne, such as dermatologists, should prescribe isotretinoin.

4 million visits to dermatologists each year, with costs exceeding "3 million annually.

Laser scalp treatments may be offered at beauty schools and salons, dermatologists, chiropractic offices, hospitals, wellness spas, and sports centers, as well as hair replacement clinics.

La Roche Anthelios has received an almost universal nod of approval from everyone - dermatologists recommend it highly, and it's been the subject of great acclaim from magazine editors all over the world.

Cosmetic dermatologists or certified cosmetologists may administer this procedure.

Though most dermatologists concur that any sunscreen is better than none at all, the amount found in mineral makeup is usually not enough simply because ample protection would require liberal application of makeup.

All dermatologists and oncologists agree that excessive sun exposure without adequate protection increases the risk of skin cancer.

Soft soap is used by dermatologists in the treatment of chronic eczema, and opodeldoc is a domestic remedy for stiffness and sprains.

Pinta can be diagnosed by dermatologists (doctors who specialize in skin diseases) and infectious disease specialists.


skin doctor, specialist, medical specialist,



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