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dermatoses Meaning in Tamil ( dermatoses வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


வீக்கமற்ற தோல் நோய்,

dermatoses தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:


dermatoses's Usage Examples:

dermatosisorders that occur during pregnancy can be: Rashes specific to pregnancy, called specific dermatoses (skin disorders) of pregnancy.

dermatosisOGY The clinical features of the dermatoses caused by members of the Anacardiaceae have been described in the individual monographs above.

directorate of Occupational therapy / What is OT?dermatosisJV and Gross BA (1951) Actual causes of certain occupational dermatoses.

dermatosisal nature of the subject will allow discussion of some of the less common dermatoses around transparencies.

Betamethasone valerate is a topical steroid with rapid effect in inflammatory dermatoses.

dermatosisJV and Gross BA (1951) Actual causes of certain occupational dermatoses.

dermatosises Agrup G (1969) hand eczema and other hand dermatoses in South Sweden.

dermatosisasone valerate is a topical steroid with rapid effect in inflammatory dermatoses.

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