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depraved Meaning in Tamil ( depraved வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


இழவான, அதி துன்மார்க்கமான,

depraved's Usage Examples:

Prosecutions do not require scores of witnesses swearing on oath that they were in fact depraved and corrupted; it is all hypothetical.

The idea of something so sweet in Czerno's depraved hold irked him.

devil with horns and hoofs, an obscene monster who tempts the depraved to acts of atrocity or shame.

In after years he so far forgot himself as to write of Saint-Simon as a depraved quack, and to deplore his connexion with him as purely mischievous.

And finally she made a wicked plan to satisfy her depraved appetite for pork.

They are described as an idle, depraved people, spending their time for the most part in loitering about the harbour, or carousing over the fine wine of Maronea.

It proceeded much more rapidly after the restraining influence of the missions was removed, leaving them free to revert to savagery; and the downward progress of the race was fearfully accelerated during the mining period, when they were abused, depraved, and in large numbers killed.

His power comes from the depraved and the forbidden.

This soon caused a frenzy of stock-jobbing, which disturbed the stability of private fortunes and social positions, and depraved customs and manners with the seductive notion of easily obtained riches.

Simple and honourable himself, he was shrewd and penetrating in his judgment of Orientals; and, unlike his great predecessor Clive, he rigidly adhered to the rule of good faith in his own actions, however depraved and however exasperating the conduct of those with whom he had to deal.

depraved nature, or by psychological traumas he has suffered in the past.

It 's a thoroughly disgusting sensory story about a depraved little so-and-so called Sydney who collects his nasal excretions to make a Boogeyman.

Education was neglected and discouraged, servility and treachery were developed, and in less than a century the people had become depraved and degraded to an almost incredible extent.


corrupt, perverse, perverted, reprobate,


normal, ingenuous, approbate, accept, incorrupt,

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