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deltoids Meaning in Tamil ( deltoids வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


deltoids's Usage Examples:

The deltoids muscles are those that run along the caps of the shoulder.

The military press targets the other end of the spectrum, splitting the effort between anterior deltoids and upper pecs.

Barbell Military Press exercise John Gibb The barbell military press is a great exercise for working the deltoids.

- Blastoidea in which the thecal plates have assumed a definite number and position in 3 circlets, as follows: 3 basals, 2 large and I small; 5 radials, often forkshaped, forming a closed circlet; 5 deltoids, interradial in position, supported on the shoulders or processes of the radials, and often surrounding the peristome with their oral ends.

In the high bar method, the bar will be resting on top of the posterior deltoids right at the base of the neck.

"The stereom of the radials and deltoids on each side of the ambulacra is thrown into folds, running across the radio-deltoid FIG.

The stereom of the radials and deltoids on each side of the ambulacra is thrown into folds, running across the radio-deltoid FIG.

Depending upon your form, you can also work your deltoids and upper arm muscles.

Others build natural shoulder pads by working on their deltoids.


rotator cuff, striated muscle, musculus deltoideus, deltoid muscle, skeletal muscle,


complex, fancy, simplicity, difficult, rough,

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