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cutin Meaning in Tamil ( cutin வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)



cutin தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:


cutin's Usage Examples:

"A valuable controversy followed on the question of executing heretics, in which Beza (for), Mino Celsi (against), and several caustic anonymous writers (especially Castellio) took part.

So said the mothers as they watched their young people executing their newly learned steps, and so said the youths and maidens themselves as they danced till they were ready to drop, and so said the grown-up young men and women who came to these balls with an air of condescension and found them most enjoyable.

Craig suggest that repetition of ' A ' finger in executing E major arpeggio is responsible for slowing the tempo of this section.

If the command is fol- lowed by digits, executing universal-argument again ends the numeric argument, but is otherwise ignored.

He left valuable materials for a just comprehension of his career in the autobiography (Adventures while Prosecuting Researches and Inquiries on Polish Matters) printed in his Polska.

"Oh, it was beautiful, Monsieur Pierre!"But, my dear Monsieur Pierre," said she, "how do you explain the fact of a great man executing a duc--or even an ordinary man who--is innocent and untried?"What sunshine, Monsieur Kiril!I will bring him to you directly, Monsieur Dessalles.

Like the mass of the nation, he grew more Protestant as time wore on; he was readier to persecute Papists than Puritans; he had no love for ecclesiastical jurisdiction, and he warmly remonstrated with Whitgift over his persecuting Articles of 1583.

Work was begun on the arsenal in 1883 and continued as the finances of the state permitted; it is capable of turning out new warships and of executing repairs of all kinds for the Mediterranean squadron.

revocable at the pleasure of the member executing it.

No prince with a sinister reputation would have had the chance of executing the series of crimes which placed him on the throne.

Refusing to entangle himself in the abortive and equivocal schemes of Lepidus to subvert the Sullan constitution, Caesar took up the only instrument of political warfare left to the opposition by prosecuting two senatorial governors, Cn.

, and Leo took advantage of a plot of several of its members to poison him, not only to inflict exemplary punishments by executing one and imprisoning several others, but also to make a radical change in the college.

The first named were charged with the duty of revising and duly executing the decisions of the divan respecting the assignment of lands to warriors and the apportioning of conquered territories.

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