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cumulates Meaning in Tamil ( cumulates வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


cumulates's Usage Examples:

The warmth, shelter and abundant food in the nests, due both to the fresh supplies brought in by the ants and to the large amount of waste matter that accumulates, must prove strongly attractive to the various " guests.

It will thus be seen that the volume of water it captures from the Orinoco is small in comparison to what it accumulates in its course.

Hearing aids push earwax further back into the ear canal therefore it accumulates and creates a wax plug.

discontinuityta delineated the southern contact of the intrusion and highlighted structural discontinuities within the cumulates.

It is excreted very slowly and therefore accumulates in the system.

Doing so will reduce the amount of dust and grime that accumulates on each slat.

In the yeast cell it accumulates and disappears very rapidly according to the conditions of nutrition and is sometimes so abundant as to fill the cell almost entirely (Errera, 1882, 1895: Wager and Peniston, 1910).

It is this ` superfluous' expiation that accumulates in the Treasure of the Church " (Bp.

Granular and concretionary limonite accumulates by organic action on the floor of certain lakes in Sweden, forming the curious "lake ore.

Cerumen impaction develops when earwax accumulates in the inner part of the ear canal and blocks the eardrum.

Some children with Marfan develop cystic disease of the lungs or recurrent spontaneous pneumothorax, which is a condition in which air accumulates in the space around the lungs.

The molten sulphur accumulates on the sole, whence it is from time to time run out into a square stone receptacle, from which it is ladled into damp poplar-wood moulds and so brought into the shape of truncated cones weighing 110 to 130 lb each.

The zone is weakly hydrogen-bonded, fluid and reactive, and accumulates small cations, multivalent anions and hydrophobic solutes.


conglomerate, amass, backlog, accumulate, gather, increase, accrete, drift, pile up,


decrease, uncombined, spread, diverge, minimise,

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