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cumulations Meaning in Tamil ( cumulations வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


cumulations's Usage Examples:

The fatty accumulations known as infiltrations (figs.

The Siberian harbour is conspicuous during the fair on account of its accumulations of tea boxes and temporary shelters, in which the different kinds of tea are tried and appraised by tasters.

Fatty accumulations in the tissues of the body are found in health and in pathological conditions; these are usually recognized and described as fatty infiltrations and fatty degenerations, but there are intermediate conditions which make it difficult to separate sharply these processes.

Such roofs are not suitable for cold climates, for accumulations of snow might overburden the structure and would also cause the wet to penetrate through any small crevices and under flashings.

In broad, general terms the Takla-makan may be described as a tumbled sea of sand, with waves (barkhans or sand-accumulations) as much as 300 ft.

We confirm the importance of combatting destabilizing accumulations and uncontrolled spread of small arms and light weapons.

's accumulations had disappeared; parliament resisted in 1523 the imposition of new taxation; and the attempts to raise forced loans and benevolences in1526-1528created a storm of opposition.

These intermediate cells, like the ordinary parenchyma, frequently store starch, and the fibres themselves, though usually dead, sometimes retain their protoplasm, and in that case may also be used for starch accumulations.

The responsible authorities on the spot perceived that the process of gradually removing the huge accumulations of impedimenta that were massed about the landing-places and of reembarking the troops must take place during the dark hours and step by step, every effort being made to keep the Turks unaware of what was in progress.

A third army, commanded by Malik Kafur, a Hindu renegade and favourite of Ala-ud-din, penetrated to the extreme south of the peninsula, scattering the unwarlike Dravidian races, and stripping every Hindu temple of its accumulations of gold and jewels.

Sediment accumulations within groin embayments at Hamworthy Park also indicate a net west to east drift.

The effect of the Glacial epoch in Europe is shown in northern Africa by the moraines of the higher Atlas, and the wider extension of the glaciers on Kilimanjaro, Kenya and Ruwenzori, and by the extensive accumulations of gravel over the Sahara.


muckhill, stack, stockpile, pile, assemblage, collection, dunghill, agglomerate, scrapheap, midden, heap, slagheap, muckheap, compost pile, cumulus, accumulation, aggregation, shock, compost heap, woodpile, pyre, mound, funeral pyre,


disarrange, fauna, flora, prosecution, defense,

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