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cuckoo Meaning in Tamil ( cuckoo வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)

குயில் வகை

cuckoo's Usage Examples:

Another species of this group, the black cuckoo of India, apparently mimics the black drongo-shrike (Dicrurus ater), the resemblance between the two species being very close.

These floral products which form the food of bees and of their larvae, are in most cases collected and stored by the industrious insects; but some genera of bees act as inquilines or "cuckoo-parasites," laying their eggs in the nests of other bees, so that their larvae may feed at the expense of the rightful owners of the nest.

Pests The only pest on lavender is the green capsid bug or cuckoo spit.

The number of woodpeckers is very great and the variety of plumage remarkable, and the voice of the cuckoo, of which there are numerous species, resounds in the spring as in Europe.

Among the birds of the island are the eagle, hawk, petrel, owl, finch, peewit, diamond bird, fire-tail, robin, emu-wren, crow, swallow, magpie, blackcap, goatsucker, quail, ground dove, parrot, lark, mountain thrush, cuckoo, wattlebird, whistling duck, honeybird, Cape Barren goose, penguin duck, waterhen, snipe, albatross and laughing jackass.

In this case also both sexes of the cuckoo mimic the drongo, whereas according to the theory it would be necessary for the hen bird alone to do so.

Had excellent views of large hawk cuckoo here and the casuarinas around our bungalow often held a noisy flock of Oriental pied hornbill.

The drongo is a fierce and powerful bird which will not tolerate a strange bird of the size of a cuckoo near its nest, yet on account of its resemblance to the drongo, the hen cuckoo is enabled, it has been claimed, to lay her egg in the nest of the drongo, which mistakes the cuckoo for one of its own kind.

As the newly hatched baby cuckoo pokes it way out of its shell, it pushes the other eggs out of their rightful nest.

The young of many of these insects are green and soft-skinned, protecting themselves by the well-known frothy secretion that is called " cuckoo-spit.

The Texas screech-owl, the Texas woodpecker, and the road runner, or ground cuckoo, are found mostly in southern and south-western Texas.

According to a treatise published by a German physician, Dr Wessel Linden, in 1754, the saline springs at Ffynon-llwyn-y-gog ("the well in the cuckoos' grove") in the present parish of Llandrindod had acquired more than a local reputation as early as the year 1696.


cuculiform bird, Coccyzus erythropthalmus, roadrunner, black-billed cuckoo, chaparral cock, Geococcyx californianus, family Cuculidae, coucal, Cuculidae, ani, Cuculus canorus, European cuckoo,


undeceive, humorless, wise, woman, keep,

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