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crystallized Meaning in Tamil ( crystallized வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)



crystallized தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

படிமம்:Sinonyx sacrum.

படிமம்:Bhopal postage - HH Nawab Shahjahan Begam.

படிமம்: சாப்டூர் மாரியம்மன் கோவில்.

படிமம்:Sugar cubes pyramid.

படிமம்:Sivan Parvathy.


படிமம்:Sculpture dated 12th century of Adinath Tirtankar from Gurupura.

படிமம்:Sea of Japan descr.

படிமம்:Emblem of India.

நீர்ப்பாலூட்டியியலாளர் அல்லது இத்துறையில் ஈடுபாடு கொண்டோர் இக் கடல்வாழ் பாலூட்டிகளின் படிமலர்ச்சி, பரம்பல், உருவவியல், நடத்தை, சமுதாய இயக்கம், மற்றும் இதுபோன்ற விடயங்களைப் புரிந்துகொள்ள முயல்கின்றனர்.


crystallized's Usage Examples:

It may be obtained crystallized in the quadratic system by melting in a sealed tube containing hydrogen, allowed to cool partially, and then pouring off the still liquid portion by inverting the tube.

In Cornwall and Devon it is associated with cassiterite in the tinlodes, but is also found in the copper-lodes: well crystallized specimens have been obtained from the neighbourhood of Tavistock, Redruth and St Agnes.

, thinks these chapters have crystallized round two central passages, viz.

The 1999 Columbine High School shooting crystallized the growing unease in schools the way few instances have.

), Mn02, the most important oxide, may be prepared by heating crystallized manganous nitrate until red fumes are given off, decanting the clear liquid, and heating to 150 0 to 160° C.

Large sheets of muscovite, such as are of commercial value, are found only in the very coarsely crystallized pegmatite veins traversing granite, gneiss or micaschist.

With lowering of the temperature stearin, accompanied with a small proportion of spermaceti, separates from the oil, and a little under the freezingpoint nearly the whole of these constituents may be crystallized out.

The urea oxalate is recrystallized and decolorized and finally decomposed by calcium carbonate (J.

The moment he saw Jessi's still body, his scattered thoughts crystallized into one and any anger he felt fled.

Language has crystallized them into certain definite notions and expressions, without which we cannot proceed a single step, but which we have accepted without knowing their exact meaning, much less their origin.

4%7 01 92 4%, General char- crystallized albumin is C 51.




uncrystallized, indistinct,

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