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councilors Meaning in Tamil ( councilors வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


சபையின் அங்கத்தினர்,

councilors's Usage Examples:

Limehouse, a majority white area with a population just 30 percent Bangladeshi, returned two Respect councilors.

I have seen councilors and psychiatrists since the age of 15.

Despite this, the officers are often unwilling to be corrected, and the councilors rubber-stamp whatever the officers decide.

Much indignation was provoked by tha sight of the king kept continually in ward by his privy councilors and treated with systematic neglect; but the treatment of his son was even more resented.

However, large or potentially contentious applications are decided by panels of councilors.

We 've asked our ward councilors to fight our battle for us.

some of these councilors are so deep-seated in their covens that they live and breathe and thrive within the dogma of thai political structure.

The borough is under a mayor, four aldermen and twelve councilors.

A couple of limousines drive by, but I suspect they contain oil magnates or football club owners rather than state councilors.

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