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counselling Meaning in Tamil ( counselling வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


கருத்துரை வழங்கல்,

counselling தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

இது தான் திசை காட்டா கருத்துரை வழங்கல் முறையின் அடிப்படை சித்தாந்தம்.

திசை காட்டா கருத்துரை வழங்கல் முறை மனநோயாளிகளுக்கு மட்டும் அல்லாது சாதாரண மனிதர்களுக்கும் உதவியாக இருக்கிறது.

திசை காட்டா கருத்துரை வழங்கல் (Non-directive Counseling) முறையில் கருத்துரை வழங்குபவர் வாடிக்கையாளருக்கு திசைக் காட்டுவதற்கு பதிலாக, வாடிக்கையாளரே தனக்குப் பொருத்தமான திசையைத் தேட உதவி செய்கிறார்.

அவரது "திசை காட்டா கருத்துரை வழங்கல்" முறை தற்கால உளச்சிகிச்சை முறைகளையும், அமைப்புக்கள் மற்றும் குழுமங்களுக்குள் விரோதங்களை நீக்க பயன்படுத்தப்படும் வழிமுறைகளையும் பெரிதும் பாதித்துள்ளது.

counselling's Usage Examples:

and the British ministry on American affairs, uniformly counselling moderation.

He foretold the outbreak of the revolutionary spirit in Germany and Austria, and was credited with counselling the abdication of Ferdinand in favour of Francis Joseph.

"They will come to me without any effort of my own," he said to Taglioni the dancer; and again to Lady Douglas, who was counselling resignation, he replied, "Though fortune has twice betrayed me, yet my destiny will none the less surely be fulfilled.

In his best known work, Bruges la Morte (1892), he explains that his aim is to evoke the town as a living being, associated with the moods of the spirit, counselling, dissuading from and prompting action.

In acting thus they were merely conforming to the duty of counselling (devoir de conseil) which all the superior authorities had towards the king, and the text of the ordinances (ordonnances) had often invited them to do so.

At first he made a good use of this, counselling economy, decreasing taxation, disbanding 25,000 soldiers and restoring liberty to the persecuted Jansenists.

Hamilton's action in counselling Federalists not to vote for Burr for governor just as he had counselled them not to support Burr against Jefferson in 1800, was one of the contributary causes of Burr's hostility to Hamilton which ended in the duel (July 1804) in which Burr killed Hamilton.

It is clear, however, that the cardinal went as far as possible in counselling the submission of the spiritual to the civil power.

In 1871, when the Algerians again rose in revolt, Abd-el-Kader wrote to them counselling submission to France.

The question was submitted to the churches at Basel, Bern, Zurich and Neuchatel, but they also, to Calvin's disappointment, were divided in their judgment, some counselling severity, others gentle measures.


counsel, wind, road map, confidential information, substance, steer, marriage counseling, guidance, counseling, tip, direction, subject matter, guideline, lead, hint, cynosure, content, message, career counseling, genetic counseling,


unhappy, belief, unbelief, approval, disapproval,

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