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coulis Meaning in Tamil ( coulis வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


coulis தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

ரெட்டேண்டோ சிங்குலா சிங்கூலிஸ் (Reddendo Singula Singulis).

coulis's Usage Examples:

What could he do about it but lose more sleep?For a Christmas touch, cranberry coulis may be used as an alternative.

Langoustines were served separately the first time, set in a sharp red pepper coulis topped with micro thin sesame seed biscuits.

Try them with melted butter, or tartare sauce or a tomato coulis.

Pak Loi Chili and lemon marinated chicken breast served with a tangy mint coulis.

Finish with a fat slice of chocolate mousse cake or baked cheesecake topped with tropical fruit coulis.

Place the blackcurrant coulis on to a serving dish.

Fresh strawberries were set between tuille biscuits in fruit coulis, really yummy !tuille basket.

The crumbling pastry, sharp lemon and sweet quince coulis were a delight, and we cooed with appreciation.

We finished with a massive plate of cheeses from Iain Mellis and a poached pear with vanilla ice cream and a red fruit coulis.

Serve it with dried fruit salad or for a sharper taste, serve with a raspberry coulis.

Mfd has plat of fruits de mer, M langoustines (oops, how do you eat them?plat of fruits de mer, M langoustines (oops, how do you eat them?Langoustines were served separately the first time, set in a sharp red pepper coulis topped with micro thin sesame seed biscuits.

Douroucoulis live in parties, and are purely nocturnal, sleeping during the day in hollow trees, and coming out at night to feed on insects and fruits, when they utter piercing cat-like screams.

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