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consummated Meaning in Tamil ( consummated வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)



consummated தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

ஒரு சமூகப்படிம்ம ஆய்வின்படி, இங்கிலாந்தில் கருவுற்ற பெண்களுக்கு அயோடின் நிரப்பூட்டம் அனைவருக்கும் தருவதால், அதாவது, ஒரு பெண்மணிக்கு £199 (2013 மதிப்பு) நலவாழ்வுக்காகச் செலவிட்டால், ஒருவருக்கு £4476 மதிப்புக்கு சமூகச் செலவினத்தைக் குறைக்கலாம் அல்லது மீத்தமுடியும் எனத் தெரியவந்துள்ளது.

2014இல் அறிக்கை தந்த அக் குழுவின் அறிக்கையில் கிராமப்புறத்தில் நாளொன்றுக்கு 32ரூபாயும், நகர்ப்புறத்தில் 47ரூபாயும் செலவிட்டால் அவர்களை வறுமைக்கோட்டு பட்டியலிலிருந்து நீக்கிவிடலாம் என்று கூறியுள்ளது.

பார்வையாளர் அதிக நேரத்தை செலவிட்டால் அவர் வாடிக்கையாளராக மாறுவதன் வாய்ப்பு பெருகும் .

consummated's Usage Examples:

But the emperor died before the project could be consummated, and for twenty-five years Ares memory remained the sole depository of the collected annals.

The terrible tragedy which was consummated on the 23rd of May 1498 before the Palazzo Vecchio, in Florence, casts a lurid light upon the irreconcilable opposition in which the wearers of the papal dignity stood to medieval piety; for Girolamo Savonarola was in every fibre a loyal son of the medieval Church.

months after the marriage (April 1502), leaving doubts as to whether the union had ever been physi cally consummated.

In 1826 a beginning toward it was made in partially emancipating the neophytes, but active and thorough secularization of the missions did not begin until 1834; by 1835 it was consummated at sixteen missions out of twenty-one, and by 1840 at all.

The much-debated Corn Laws, after undergoing various modifications, and proving the fruitful source of business uncertainty, social discontent and angry partisanship, were finally abolished in 1846, although the act was not consummated until three years later.

In 1867, by a treaty signed on the 30th of March, the purchase was consummated for the sum of "7,200,000, and on the 18th of October 1867 the formal transfer of the territory was made at Sitka.

28), the exact place in the kingdom or consummated church (the Tower), is given as reward for zeal in doing God's will beyond the minimum requisite in all.

- The epoch of the Armenian era is that of the council of Tiben, in which the Armenians consummated their schism from the Greek Church by condemning the acts of the council of Chalcedon; and it corresponds to Tuesday, the 9th of July of the year 552 of the Incarnation.

It was gradually consummated by the military and commercial settlements of the Portuguese, and subsequently by the Spaniards, who established themselves formally in Montevideo under Governor Zavala of Buenos Aires in 1726, and demolished the rival Portuguese settlement in Colonia in 1777.

In 1643, when the full legal establishment of Presbytery had just been consummated, the assembly, asked by the English W parliament to arrange a league to be signed in both countries for the furtherance of reformed religion, agreed, but asked that the league should be a religious one.

The whole proceedings were illegal, and the illegality was consummated by the prisoners being brought before a special tribunal of 24 judges, nearly all of whom were personal enemies of the accused.

As the earlier one set forth in orderly sequence (Ka0eVjs) the providential stages by which Jesus was led, " in the power of the Spirit," to begin the establishment of the consummated Kingdom of God, so the later work aims at setting forth on similar principles its extension by means of His chosen representatives or apostles.

The Canadian churches had a good record, consummated in 1884 when they contributed 8000 members and ioo ministers to the United Methodist Church of the Dominion.


completed, fulfilled,


incomplete, unconsummated,

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