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consumption Meaning in Tamil ( consumption வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)



consumption's Usage Examples:

Convenience goods: A term used in retailing to indicate goods purchased for regular consumption.

The only excisable articles are intoxicants and drugs; and the avowed object of the state is to check consumption not less than to raise revenue.

Tobacco, which was first grown here between 1640 and 1660, because of a law restricting the use of tobacco to that grown in the colony, was in the decade 1890-1900 the only crop raised for consumption.

It tended to make life easier and cheaper for large and numerous classes; it promised wholesale remissions of taxation; it lessened the charges on common processes of business, on locomotion, on postal communication, and on several articles of general consumption.

He died of consumption on the 14th of June 1881 at Hayes Common, Kent.

The bastard date, grown chiefly in the country round Calcutta and in the north-east of the Madras presidency, supplies both the jaggery sugar of commerce and intoxicating liquors for local consumption.

khat consumption, the stimulant has found new markets, both within the region of production and internationally.

Since, then, the destruction of the hardy germs is so difficult, the greater care should be taken, by washing the udder, hands and milk vessels, to secure extreme cleanliness in the preparation of milk intended for infant consumption.

Oranges, lemons, limes, figs, mangoes, grapes and peaches, besides a considerable variety of vegetables, are raised in small quantities for local consumption.

3 Pneumonia and consumption, approximately of equal fatality (15 to 18 per 10,000 each), exceed more than twofold the diseases of next lower fatality, cancer and cholera infantum.

The team at Maxis developed a series of different prototypes, like BIOME, to explore the different design directions that Spore could take when it was ready for mass consumption.

They spend some time debating the best way to prepare dwarf for trollish consumption - sitting on them to squash them to jelly, mincing them fine and boiling them, and so on.

The sardine fishery, which might also be important, at present serves mainly for local consumption.


uptake, feeding, swallow, ingestion, imbibition, eating, imbibing, deglutition, drinking, bodily function, intake, activity, body process, suck, suction, sucking, bodily process, drink,


inactivity, discontinuation, assembly, emit, starve,

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