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conservatism Meaning in Tamil ( conservatism வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


கொள்கை முதலானவற்றில் பெரும் மாறுதல்களை விரும்பாதிருத்தல், புதுமை வெறுப்பு,

conservatism's Usage Examples:

'They could be, and indeed had been made more edifying; but the very noteworthy conservatism of even the last compiler or editor, in contrast to the re-shaping and re-writing of the material in the book of Jubilees, indicates that the Priestly spirit was not that of the whole community.

In the United Kingdom the employment of brewery yeasts selected from a single cell has not come into general use; it may probably be accounted for in a great measure by conservatism and the wrong application of Hansen's theories.

A natural conservatism indisposed Hall at first to take any part in the popular movement of 1848, to which almost all his friends had already adhered; but the moment he was convinced of the inevitability of popular government, he resolutely and sympathetically followed in the new paths.

This position, which, through his steadiness, scholarly conservatism and freedom from caprice as a critic, soon became one of great influence, he held until his death in New York City on the 4th of July 1880.

Depending on her modesty and conservatism, what is thrilling apparel to one woman may be plain daily accouterments to another.

The feeling of religious conservatism which has preserved the structural rudeness of the Ka`ba did not prohibit costly surface decoration.

By the Opposition, who now found themselves the defenders of conservatism in the established fiscal policy of the country, this whole argument was scouted; but for a time the demand merely for inquiry, and the production of figures, gave no sufficient occasion for dissension among Unionists, even when, like Sir M.

In common with the state of Michoacan, Morelia is a stronghold of clericalism and conservatism.

In England a considerably less docile conservatism has been predominant.

The fact is that the Montanists represented the conservatism of their day, and even now the Roman Church admits the right of laymen to baptize when a priest cannot be had.

There was in his character a peculiar mixture of conservatism and a keen sense of the requirements of the day.

They could be, and indeed had been made more edifying; but the very noteworthy conservatism of even the last compiler or editor, in contrast to the re-shaping and re-writing of the material in the book of Jubilees, indicates that the Priestly spirit was not that of the whole community.


reaction, political theory, neoconservatism, ideology, political orientation, conservativism,


liberal, dovishness, hawkishness, conservative,

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