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conserved Meaning in Tamil ( conserved வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)



conserved தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

ஆகவே இயற்கையை நாம் பாதுகாத்தால், இயற்கை நம்மைப் பாதுகாக்கும் என்கிற நோக்கில் இந்நாள் கொண்டாடப்படுகிறது.

எனினும், உறை பெட்டியில் (freezer) வைத்துப் பாதுகாத்தால் ஆறு மாதங்கள் வரை தேங்காய்ப் பூவையும் பழுதடையாமல் வைத்திருக்கலாம்.

conserved's Usage Examples:

For example, in many coal regions the deposits have been conserved in some districts in the synclines or "basins," while they have been removed by denudation from the uplifted anticlines in others.

conserved sequence motifs.

Two pairs of PCR primers were designed according to conserved regions of several published, whitefly-transmitted geminivirus sequences.

" The law in Assyria was derived from Babylonia but conserved early features long after they had disappeared elsewhere.

Most PEPc kinase genes contain a single conserved intron but solanaceous plants have one unusual PEPc kinase gene with a second intron.

Detection and typing of maize streak virus and other distantly related geminiviruses of grasses by polymerase chain reaction amplification of a conserved viral sequence.

When the Normalize option is checked, the spectral magnitudes are adjusted so that power is conserved.

chain reaction amplification of a conserved viral sequence.

wetlands conserved and repaired.

The gene is present in many species - it is evolutionarily conserved.

Surely these documents, in many cases unique, must be carefully conserved.

A conserved N-terminal threonine is involved in catalysis at each active site.

Some rain barrels are sold as interlinking kits that much more water can be saved and conserved.




fresh, destroyed,

conserved's Meaning in Other Sites