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conqueror Meaning in Tamil ( conqueror வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


ஜெயங்கொண்டவன், வெற்றிவீரன்,

conqueror தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

உரோமர்கள் திசம்பர் 25ஆம் நாள் வெற்றிவீரன் சூரியன் (sol invictus) என்றைழைக்கப்பட்ட சூரியக்கடவுளின் பிறந்த நாளை கொண்டாடும் வகையில் நட்டாலிசு சோலிசு இன்விட்டி என்ற பண்டிகையைக் கொண்டாடினர்.

conqueror's Usage Examples:

And the question whether the " Armenoid " conquerors of Egypt and founders of the kingdoms there, who came from Syria, were Semites still remains unanswered.

The Norman conqueror found in Sicily a Christian and Greekspeaking people and a Mussulman and Arabic-speaking people.

Had he not at one time longed with all his heart to establish a republic in Russia; then himself to be a Napoleon; then to be a philosopher; and then a strategist and the conqueror of Napoleon?Perhaps the best natural harbour of the republic is that of Bahia Blanca, a large bay of good depth, sheltered by islands, and 534 m.

These works appear to have been erected by powerful sovereigns with unlimited command of labour, possibly with the object of giving employment to subjugated people, while feeding the vanity or pleasing the taste of the conqueror.

The Danes hailed his son Canute, a lad of eighteen, as king, but many of the English, though they had submitted to a hard-handed conqueror like Sweyn, were not prepared to be handed over like slaves to his untried successor.

All attempts to arrange a truce between the two intractable conquerors were in vain.

Whether they expanded at the expense of weak aboriginal tribes or were conquered by more robust invaders, Chinese civilization prevailed and assimilated alike the conquered and the conquerors.

"Tell Consalvi," wrote the conqueror, still flushed with Austerlitz, "that if he loves his country he must either resign or do what I demand.

Napoleon's father at first sided with Paoli, but after the disaster of Ponte-Novo he went over to the conquerors, and thereafter solicited places for himself and for his sons with a skill and persistence which led to a close union between the Bonapartes and France.

"Others had withdrawn into the mountains and forests, and in the native villages under Spanish administration the birth rate had dropped to a small part of what it had been because the great bulk of the male population had been segregated in the mines and on the estates of the conquerors.

Zeno, the anonymous merchant and Angiolello affirm that the devotee was defeated and killed in battlethe first making his conqueror to be Alamut, the second a general of Alamuts, and the third an officer sent by Rustam named Suleiman Bey.

So in Triumph of Life, 265, "Whom from the flock of conquerors I Fame singled out for her thunderbearing minion," out seems to be due to the compositor.


victor, master, vanquisher, subjugator, superior,


follower, low, subordinate, worst, inferior,

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