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conquer Meaning in Tamil ( conquer வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


வென்று அடை,

conquer தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:


conquer's Usage Examples:

in circumference, is celebrated for the tradition that Huayna-Capac, one of the great conquerors of the Inca dynasty, defeated an army of rebellious Carranquis on its shores, and threw so many of their bleeding corpses into it as to turn its waters to the colour of blood.

"Vevey was a Roman settlement [Viviscus] and later formed part of the barony of Vaud, that was held by the counts and dukes of Savoy till 1536, when it was conquered by Bern.

Navarre was not reconquered for the couple as Francis had promised, but ample apanages were assigned to Marguerite, and at Nerac and Pau miniature courts were kept up, which yielded to none in Europe in the intellectual brilliancy of their frequenters.

The conquering Turks followed in their footsteps (560-580).

This army, it is true, was so inefficient that it was completely routed by the Swedish king with a most inferior force, but it was improved gradually until it learned to conquer its Swedish opponents.

"Spain reconquered the duchies in the war of succession (1745); they were recovered by Austria in 1746; and Maria Theresa again surrendered them to Don Philip, infante of Spain, in 1748.

Napoleon's father at first sided with Paoli, but after the disaster of Ponte-Novo he went over to the conquerors, and thereafter solicited places for himself and for his sons with a skill and persistence which led to a close union between the Bonapartes and France.

) and Sogdiana, and Tiridates, brother of Arsaces, a " Scythian " chieftain, conquered Parthia (so Arrian, but see Parthia).

The famous story of Herodotus, that the conqueror condemned Croesus to the stake, from which he was saved by the intervention of the gods, is quite inconsistent with the Persian religion.

At this period the copper mines of Mona or Anglesea, the silver mines near Plinlimmon and the gold mines in the valley of the Cothi in Carmarthenshire were exploited and worked with some success by the conquerors.

It is paramount for struggling individuals to be proactive and attempt to conquer their hurdles or learn to accept their hair loss as a fact that does not impinge on the wonderful style they have inside.

He was tried, but acquitted of all blame, and on the renewal of the war with the Turkish Empire in 1684 he was again appointed commanderin-chief, and after several brilliant victories he reconquered the Peloponnesus and Athens; on his return to Venice he was loaded with honours and given the title of "Peloponnesiaco.


curb, hold in, blink away, hush up, wink, silence, quell, choke off, choke down, smother, blink, repress, quench, squelch, inhibit, stifle, hush, stamp down, quieten, check, hold, burke, suppress, choke back, still, subdue, dampen, contain, shut up, strangle, muffle, moderate, control,


unrestraint, powerlessness, derestrict, inactivity, louden,

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