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congregation Meaning in Tamil ( congregation வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


ஒன்று கூடுதல்,

congregation தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

இத்திருவிழாவின் நோக்கம் ஒன்று கூடுதல், நன்றி செலுத்துதல், பிரார்த்தனை செய்தல் போன்றனவாக்கும்.

கல்வி ஆய்விதழ்கள் வெளியீட்டாளர் சட்டவிரோத செயல்பாடுகள் தடுப்புச் சட்டம், 1967 அல்லது உபா சட்டம் (Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act (UAPA), இந்திய அரசியலமைப்புச் சட்டத்தின் 19-வது பிரிவு, பேச்சு சுதந்திரம், எழுத்து சுதந்திரம், அமைப்பாகும் சுதந்திரம், ஒன்று கூடுதல் என்ற அடிப்படை உரிமைகளை இந்திய குடிமக்களுக்கு வழங்கியுள்ளது.

congregation's Usage Examples:

Still, a good deal of semi-congregationalism probably did exist in obscure circles which preluded the wider Reformation and were merged in it.

s led to resume the charge of St George's, the clergyman who had been chosen by the congregation as his successor having died before entering on his work.

Within a few weeks :similar communities were formed at Leipzig, Dresden, Berlin, [[[Offenbach]], Worms, Wiesbaden and elsewhere; and at a `"council" convened at Leipzig at Easter 1845, twenty-seven congregations were represented by delegates, of whom only two or at most three were in clerical orders.

In 1704 he became assistant minister, and in 1706 sole minister, of an independent congregation worshipping in Aldersgate Street, and afterwards in Jewin Street, London, where he remained almost until his death on the 4th of April 1743.

Asbury infused new life into the movement, and within a year the membership of the several congregations was more than doubled.

They have charge of the meetings of such congregations, and participate in excommunication proceedings, besides which they preach, exhort, baptize, and may, when needed, take the offices of the deacons.

Article 4 allotted the pontiff an annuity of 3,225,000 lire (~I29,ooo) for the maintenance of the Sacred College, the sacred palaces, the congregations, the Vatican chancery and the diplomatic service.

Every congregation was visited by ministers appointed by the provincial synod.

The colloque or presbytery was composed of representative ministers and elders (anciens) from a group of congregations.

These bishops were originally not diocesan but congregational, that is, each church, however small, had its own bishop.

The responsories are similar in form to the antiphons, but come at the end of the psalm, being originally the reply of the choir or congregation to the precentor who recited the psalm.


faithful, fold, social group, flock, denomination,


inaccurate, inconstant, infidelity, unfaithful, untrustworthy,

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