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confusion Meaning in Tamil ( confusion வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


குழப்புதல், குழப்பம்,

confusion தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

மேலும் காண்க: மெமெஸ்பேஸ், தகவலைக்குழப்புதல், விளம்பர நுட்பங்கள், தவறான விளம்பரம், விளம்பரக் கட்டுப்பாடு.

confusion's Usage Examples:

Thus would arise the confusion between Christians and Cretins.

He entered into a fruitless and inglorious war with Florence, which kept Italy for two years (1478-80) in confusion.

Its elementary nature was imperfectly understood; and the impure specimens obtained by the early chemists explain, in some measure, its confusion with tin, lead, antimony, zinc and other metals; in 1595 Andreas Libavius confused it with antimony, and in 1675 Nicolas Lemery with zinc.

She'd have time and space to adjust without the added confusion of him.

But even Linnaeus could not clear himself of the confusion, and unhappily misapplied the name Meleagris, undeniably belonging to the guinea-fowl, as the generic term for what we now know as the turkey, adding thereto as its specific designation the word gallopavo, taken from the Gallopava of C.

) in various secondary uses, partly by the prevalent confusion between ai dg retry.

Whether the name was given in mere vanity to the barrier which Alexander passed (as Arrian and others repeatedly allege), or was founded also on some verbal confusion, cannot be stated.

), they cause a confusion, named chromatic aberration; for instance, instead of a white margin on a dark background, there is perceived a coloured margin, or narrow spectrum.

But to use such terms for what is not only an independent, but also an older, orographical formation than the Caucasus tends to perpetuate confusion in geographical nomenclature.

The festival of Bellona, which originally took place on the 3rd of June, was altered to the 24th of March, after the confusion of the Roman Bellona with her Asiatic namesake.

These and similar terms have been applied partly to individual cells, but more often to filaments consisting of several cells; and much confusion has arisen form the difficulty of defining the terms themselves.

conflate two levels of processing in discussions of context effects has caused enormous confusion among both researchers and practitioners.


disorder, bedlam, shemozzle, demoralisation, bluster, pandemonium, topsy-turvydom, chaos, topsy-turvyness, schemozzle, demoralization, hugger-mugger,


stability, organic disorder, functional disorder, understate, order,

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