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confluent Meaning in Tamil ( confluent வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


confluent தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

இந்த ஆற்றின் இணையாறுகளான குண்டாறு, மொட்டையாறு மூலம் மறைமுகமாக முறையே 465.

சிற்றாற்றின் மூலமும் அவற்றின் இணையாறுகளின் மூலமும் பல இயற்கை அருவிகள் பல தென்காசியை சுற்றி விழுகின்றன.

confluent's Usage Examples:

wide, has been described as one great confluent neve field.

The Turcovuni ridge, probably the ancient Anchesmus, separates the valley of the Cephisus on the north-west from that of its confluent, the Ilissus, which skirted the ancient city on the south-west.

dynasty scarab, were found by Layard in 1851, and Tell Khalaf, where the confluents join, and remains of the palace of a certain Kapar, son of Hanpan of "Hittite" affinities but uncertain date, were found by von Oppenheim in 1899.

Nasibina, Nisibis), on confluents of the Khabur; Sinjar (Singara) on the Tharthar.

The green rattlesnake (Crotalus molossus) inhabits the valley of the Rio Grande; the plains rattlesnake (Crotalus confluentus), the north-western counties; the diamond rattlesnake (C.

of the city of Bokhara, in a plain at the junction of two main confluents of the Kashka-darya.

Frontal bones confluent with parietals.

The two confluents being so unlike, the united river differs from each under the influence of the other.

The incisive foramina are large and usually confluent; the bony palate is very narrow from before backwards; there is no alisphenoid canal; the fibula is welded to the tibia, and articulates with the calcaneum; and the testes are permanently external.

The two confluents just mentioned have their sources in the Andes, and flow for some distance across the plain before uniting to form the Morona.

XIV to XVIII, The confluent or unexpressed six somites of the metasoma.

Its principal tributaries are - from the right hand the Jalon with its affluent the Jiloca, the Huerva, Aguas, Martin, Guadalope and Matarrana; from the left the Ega, Aragon, Arba, Gallego, and the Segre with its intricate system of confluent rivers.


merging, convergent,


unobligated, noncausative, divergent,

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