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concoctions Meaning in Tamil ( concoctions வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)



concoctions's Usage Examples:

Browsing the aisles you'll also find "oxygen enhancers", Creatine products, herb concoctions and chemical products using only acronyms, all promising to sweep you off your weary feet in a jiffy.

mooch through each section and discover those special concoctions to make your evening go with a bang.

The Hamilton Beach milkshake machine is a commercially-rated mixer that has the capability of producing milkshakes, smoothies, frozen mixed drinks, batters and many other mixed concoctions.

Fruit cups - These can be purchased at the store or you can slice up fruit and create your own concoctions.

Since this label also applies to glow-in-the-dark cereals and borderline absurd chemical concoctions with barely any semblance to natural human sustenance, manufacturers have quite a bit of leeway.

While proponents for the classic gin Martini may find some of the newer recipes unappealing, these concoctions can yield great cocktails.

These herbs are the main ingredients in popular products, teas and concoctions.

It features both sweet and savory concoctions that can be made with the juicer.

It cares nothing for reputation or popularity: the concoctions of Nobel laureates and folk healers play by the same rules.

Instead of having a leisurely mooch round the garden centers, n then having a whack at Golf, wev been cleaning!mooch around the local shops with a man can you!mooch through each section and discover those special concoctions to make your evening go with a bang.

Even before the end of Prohibition, revelers were coming up with new concoctions that combined alcohol with other flavorings to appeal to a wide range of tastes.

Easy, straightforward mixed drinks can be just as welcome and satisfying as fancy concoctions and leave the host free to enjoy friends and festivities.

Unlike herbal concoctions available over-the-counter in the United States, Japanese herbs used in Kampo are stringently regulated.


mixture, mix,


disassemble, ending, misconception, finish,

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