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coma Meaning in Tamil ( coma வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


இயற்கைக்கு மாறான ஆழ்ந்த உறக்க நிலை, உணர்விழந்த முழு மயக்க நிலை,

coma's Usage Examples:

After this, it can never be said that the earlier books of the Eudemian Ethics are so good a preparation as those of the Nicomachean Ethics for the distinction between prudence (Opov j ats) and wisdom (a001a), which is the main point of the common books, and one of Aristotle's main points against Plato's philosophy.

The small round celled sarcoma is a malignant growth, and is composed of the primitive type of cell that goes to form fibrous tissue (fig.

When an osteosarcoma develops in the jawbone, the entire lower jaw is removed.

Intense drowsiness yields to sleep and coma which ends in death from failure of the respiration.

This reform involved the ruin of many native reputations, and for a second time brought Hastings into collision with the wily Brahman, Nuncomar.

Helvetii >>The Boii were expelled from their territories inBohemia by the Marcomanni in the time of Augustus, and the Helvetii are also recorded to have occupied formerly lands east of the Rhine, in what is now Baden and Wurttemberg.

(1898); Wieland, " American Fossil Cycads," Carnegie Institution Publication (1906); Stopes, " Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Fortpflanzungsorgane der Cycadeen," Flora (1904); Caldwell, " Microcycas Calocoma," Bot.

She remained comatose for about three weeks and we never knew what to expect each day.

Such rudimentary and imperfect sketches would be quite excusable in a first draft, but inexcusable and incredible after the Nicomachean Ethics had been written.

In the Phalangiotarbi the appendages resembled those of the Anthracomarti, except that the basal segments of the last four pairs were usually approximated in the middle line leaving a long and narrow sternal area between; and the carapace of the prosoma was unsegmented.

, London, 1797); Elwood Evans, Washington (Tacoma, Washington, 1893); and E.

It is used in all cases where one needs to reduce the intra-ocular tension, and for this and other reasons in glaucoma.


hepatic coma, diabetic coma, comatoseness, Kussmaul"s coma, unconsciousness,


clear up, brighten, show, sensibility, consciousness,

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