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colonization Meaning in Tamil ( colonization வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


குடியேற்ற நிலை, குடியேற்ற நாடு அமைத்தல், குடியேற்றம்,

colonization தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

இவ்வாய்வுகள், இயற்பிய அமைப்புக்களைப் பகுத்தாய்தல், நகர்வுக் கோலங்கள், நிலப் பயன்பாடு, உரிமை மற்றும் கட்டுப்பாடு நிலை, குடியேற்ற நிலை போன்றவற்றின் பகுப்பாய்வுகளை உள்ளடக்கும்.

colonization's Usage Examples:

The immediate result of European colonization was the enslavement and extermination of the Indians along the coast and in all those favoured inland localities where the whites came into contact with them.

The colonization of the Munster forfeitures was undertaken at this time.

Increase the total population size of small-flowered catchfly in the UK Achieve the natural colonization of new sites.

The kingdom of Assyria, which was the outgrowth of the primitive settlement on the site of the city of Assur, was developed by a probably gradual process of colonization in the rich vales of the middle Tigris region, a district watered by the Tigris itself and also by several tributary streams, the chief of which was the lower Zab.

New dunes show colonization by sea sandwort, sea couch and marram grass, all of which bind and stabilize the shifting sands.

pylori colonization and abnormal blood parameters.

The history of North Carolina may be divided into four main periods: the period of discovery and early colonization (1520-1663); the period of proprietary rule (1663-1729); the period of royal rule (1729-1776); and the period of statehood (from 1776).

Its object was the foundation of a Jewish state in Palestine, but though it aroused much interest it failed to attract the majority of the emancipated Jews, and the movement has of late been transforming itself into a mere effort at colonization.

The same attitudes that accompanied the colonization of our own frontier are found today in Brazil and other countries with wild unharnessed rainforest wilderness.

Literary evidence of the colonization of south Wales is preserved both in Welsh and Irish sources, and some idea of the extent of Irish oversea activity may be gathered from the distribution of the Ogam inscriptions in Wales, south-west England and the Isle of Man.


establishment, colonisation, organization, formation, constitution, organisation, population, settlement,


finish, nonalignment, inactivity, natural depression, natural elevation,

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