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colonnades Meaning in Tamil ( colonnades வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


சம இடைவெளிகள் கொண்ட தூண் வரிசை,

colonnades's Usage Examples:

in what appears an impenetrable forest are found avenues of trees" like the colonnades of an Egyptian temple,"veiled in leafy shade, and opening" into aisles and corridors musical with many a murmuring fount "(Schweinfurth).

They were in the form of great courtyards surrounded by colonnades and chambers.

It is a square building with Ionic colonnades and a central dome, like an ancient temple, but curiously unlike a Roman villa.

Since, however, other Greek temples had colonnades hardly less high, and were of equal or greater area, it has been suggested that the Ephesian temple had some distinct element of grandiosity, no longer known to us - perhaps a lofty sculptured parapet or some imposing form of podium.

It consists of two storeys with open colonnades, forming a long loggia on the ground and first floors, with seventeen arches on the sea front and eighteen on the other facade.

Endless days in the white marble colonnades of Heaven, endless kneeling to the Emperor, endless loss, endless nothingness.

The facades presented continuous colonnades on each floor with semicircular high stilted arches, leaving a very small amount of wall space.

square surrounded by colonnades, in which were placed the offices of the various collegia or guilds of boatmen, raftmen and others, which had a special importance at Ostia; the names of the guilds may still be read in inscriptions in the mosaic pavements of the chambers.

A large open space, not regularly rectangular, was enclosed on two sides - possibly on three - by Doric colonnades.

The internal façade of the Palazzo Ginetti is finely decorated with stucco, and has a curious detached baroque staircase by Martino Lunghi the younger, which Burckhardt calls unique if only for the view to which its arched colonnades serve as a frame.

The street takes its name, however, from the Palazzo Balbi-Senarega, which has Doric colonnades and a fine orangery.

Farther on, separated from the forecourt by smaller though still massive pylons, lay a hypostyle hall, so called from its covered colonnades; this hall was used for all kinds of processions.


structure, loggia, construction, arcade, arch,


unskilled, straight line, inferior, straighten, unplayful,

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