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cole Meaning in Tamil ( cole வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)



cole's Usage Examples:

Artillery and engineer officers come from the Ecole Polytechnique, infantry and cavalry from the Ecole spciale militaire de St-Cyr.

Among other important productions of the Ottoman Empire are sesame, coleseed, castor oil, flax, hemp, aniseed, mohair, saffron, olive oil, gums, scammony and liquorice.

Under the republic commercial shipping used to enter Venice by the Tort of San Nicole del Lido and lie along the quay called the Riva degli Schiavoni, in the basin of San Marco, and up the broad Giudecca Canal.

For this reason, narcolepsy is more accurately described as a disorder of the normal boundaries between sleep and wakefulness.

Do not expect fresh fruit or vegetables---instead, add a side of coleslaw and smoked corn on the cob for a full meal.

- Front view of Skull of Thylacoleo carnifex, restored.

3 Some unkind fate has hitherto hindered 2 Thus he cites the cases of Machetes pugnax and Scolopax rusticola among the " Limicoles," and Larus cataractes among the " Larides," as differing from their nearest allies by the possession of only one " notch " on either side of the keel.

This test assesses daytime sleepiness and narcolepsy.

Be sure to add sides to your meal, such as coleslaw, corn bread and scrumptious desserts.

Diagnostic Daytime Multiple Sleep Latency Test: Doctors who believe a person is suffering from narcolepsy may request this test.

They showed their gratitude by dedicating a book to him in 1896, Etudes d'histoire age, and after his retirement in 1905 by having his features engraved on a slab (see A Gabriel Monod, en souvenir de son enseignement: ecole pratique des hautes etudes, 1868-1905, ecole normale superieure, 1880-1904.

Graillot in Melanges de l'ecole francaise de Rome (1896), 131; and Notizie degli scavi (1896), passim.

One view, the monozoic, regards the whole development as a prolonged metamorphosis; another, the polyzoic view, considers that not only is the Cestode a colony, the proglottides being produced asexually, but that the scolex which buds off these individuals is itself a bud produced by the spherical embryo or onchosphere.


Brassica, collard, kail, genus Brassica, colewort, crucifer, kale, cruciferous plant, Brassica oleracea acephala, borecole,



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