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coleus Meaning in Tamil ( coleus வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)




coleus தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

கற்பூரவல்லி அல்லது கற்பூரவள்ளி (Coleus aromaticus) என்பது ஒரு மருத்துவ மூலிகைச் செடியாகும்.

இங்கு Cineraria, Schizanthus, Calceolaria, பால்ஸம் என்ற ஒருவகை செடி, Gloxinia, begonia, Coleus, தோட்ட செடி வகை, கிரிஸான்தமம், Primulas, Tydea, Achemenes போன்ற வருடமுழுதும் பூத்துக்குலுங்கும் செடியும் மற்றும் perennials போன்றவையும் கிழக்கு நோக்கிய முகத்துடன் காட்சி அளிக்கிறது.

சீன மெய்யியல் கூர்க்கன் (கோலியாஸ் கிழங்கு, Coleus) ஒரு கிழங்கு வகை தாவரம்.

துப்புரவு முடிந்த சிவகங்கை மாவட்ட ஆசிரியர்கள் தொடங்கிய கட்டுரைகள் சிறுகிழங்கு, (ஆங்கிலம்: Coleus parviflorus அல்லது Plectranthus rotundifolius) லேபியேட்டே என்ற குடும்பத்தைச் சேர்ந்தது.

coleus's Usage Examples:

Hyacinths, tulips and other spring bulbs may be dug up, dried and placed away for next fall's planting, and their places filled with bedding plants, such as coleus, achyranthes, pelargoniums, and the various white and coloured leaf plants.

Begin to propagate greenhouse plants by cuttings; also coleuses by cuttings in heat, potting them off as soon as rooted.

This one is a begonia, the other one is a coleus.

Among other fossil genera of recent institution, Archaeolepas, Lepidocoleus, Squama, Stramentum can only be mentioned as incentives to research.

coleus blumei This species and its cultivars are the most widely available of the Solenostemon genus in the UK.

coleus canina that smells pretty foul but only when the cat rubs against it.

coleus plant are glorious shades of reddish pink year-round.

a stem with different characteristics from the rest of the plant?Reports in the dermatological literature incriminating an unspecified coleus will usually be referring to a Coleus blumei cultivar.

comfy potties for the shop and so had to put my money where my mouth was!Begin to propagate greenhouse plants by cuttings; also coleuses by cuttings in heat, potting them off as soon as rooted.

It should be well shaded, and fine specimens of fancy caladiums, dracaenas, coleus, crotons, palms, ferns and such plants as are grown for the beauty of their foliage, will make a very attractive show.

coleus forskohlii!coleus blumei This species and its cultivars are the most widely available of the Solenostemon genus in the UK.

Pelargoniums, pinks, monthly roses and all the half-hardy kinds of flowering plants should be planted early, but coleus, heliotrope and the more tender plants should be delayed until the end of the month.

Reports in the dermatological literature incriminating an unspecified coleus will usually be referring to a Coleus blumei cultivar.

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